While practically everybody will suffer from occasional bouts of insomnia, it is estimated that chronic problems with insomnia occur in about 30 percent of all adults. There are three basic types of insomnia, which are easily remembered because one type occurs at the beginning of sleep, one type during sleep, and the third type at the end of sleep. Thus, one type involves difficulty in falling asleep; one type involves difficulty in remaining asleep; and one type involves persistent early awakening.
There are a number of different causes of insomnia,but, perhaps, the most common one results from stressful problems that generate excessive anxiety. Another frequent cause results from physical problems, such as ulcers and back ailments, which cause pain, and asthma, which cause pain, and asthma, which inte
rferes with proper breathing. Certain drugs are also implicated in insomnia. Since there are many different causes of insomnia, it seems reasonable that there is not a single form of treatment. However, researchers agrees that the most commonly used form of treatment, sleeping pills, is not the treatment of choice. Evidence shows that while sleeping pills do promote sleep, they also interfere with the REM part of the sleep cycle and can lead to a host of other problems.

To avoid problems with sleep, the following habits are suggested:
1. Do not nap during the day.
2. Avoid drinks containing caffeine.
3. Eat moderately during the evening hours.
4. Establish a regular bedtime that coincides with the drowsing stage in the circadian rhythm.

To avoid problems with sleep, the following habits are suggested:
1. Do not nap during the day.
2. Avoid drinks containing caffeine.
3. Eat moderately during the evening hours.
4. Establish a regular bedtime that coincides with the drowsing stage in the circadian rhythm.

Temporary problems in going to sleep do not indicate that one is becoming an insomniac. These temporary problems often correct themselves. Numerous methods can be used to facilitate going to sleep, but a common feature in all of them is that they generate a feeling of relaxation. Some methods generate a feeling of boredom, which is akin to relaxation. The important point here is that one does not concentrate on the heavy events in life when attempting to go to sleep.
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